As I mentioned before that I shall blog my pregnancies experience. I've survived 3 pregnancies and the last pregnancy was the most unforgettable. But here, sharing my 1st pregnancy experience.
1st pregnancy was 10years ago after we celebrated our 1st anniversary.. 3 months later confirmed I was pregnant.. the feeling was ecstatic cos I've been pressured by... never mind..
I don't know what to expect as a 1st timer mother-to-be so ask alot of questions and ask for advice fm my frens who already had babies, my co-sisters and also my aunties.
My tummy did not show (didn't swell that much) until I was 6mths pregnant. Ada ke kawan keje aku cakap.. "Your stomach not going forward but go sideways.".. (she's referring that my tummy tak nampak tapi my punggung (molek sikit bahasa ye... tak kan nak ckp PANTAT lak kan kan) melebar selebar-lebarnya... well.. I'm proudly to say.. mine is A CHILD BEARING BUTT!!!
Pendekkan cerita lahhh... so my mom ada britau (kira menasihatkan aku lah).. "ko ni dah nak bersalin jejaga.. ada org air ketuban pecah.. dan ada org tanda kluar darah...klau kuar darah rasa lagi sakit bila nak beranak..." ehekss... very good advice and mine was.. Kluar darah.. masa dah rasa contraction tu kan.. perut menggulas.. macam nak terberry.. so gi toilet and that time was 6am usually I woke up at 6:30am.. I lived with my in-laws at tht time (blum beli rumah) so my SIL tegur.. "Paginya dah bangun..." masa dia tegur tu aku baru kuar dari toilet.. buang air skit and my panty dah ada tanda... darah mercik gitu like baru dtg peyed.. So aku senyum je lah..
Then aku pun tepon my hubby.. telling him that my contraction dah start (every 30 mins)and tanda dah ada... dia lak keje malam so dia suruh aku relax and wait for him to come home..
Bila dia dah balik.. dia tanya aku "HOW? nak gi spital or want to call ur gynae first?" I've decided to call my gynae yg bukak opis kul 9am. So bila kol gynae (my gynae is Lelaki <<-- gentle when ye.. mesti korang ckp.. tak malu ke.. wa tebalkan muka je lahhhh) bini gynae aku (she's the nurse/assistance) suruh dtg clinic dulu.. (clinic and spital satu building <<-- EastShore Hospital). So as usual.. the doctor seluk... (ye seluk ngan jari dia kat vagina aku tu... nak rasa cervix dah bukak ke blum) then bila dia kuarkan jari.. fuuyyooohhh darah melekat kat sarung tangan and he said "Cervix already open 1cm.." so terus gi admitted.. still boleh jalan sendiri gi labor ward.. eksyen tak nak duduk kat wheelchair..
So gedebak gedebuk.. time dah show kul 12pm.. masih lum beranak.. contraction dah menjadi-jadi... tak tahan.. badan dah asyik menggelisah.. ke kiri ke kanan.. menahan sakit.. (almaklum 1st time rasa sakit contraction...) then terfikir.. tak pe.. tak pe.. ni dugaan.. nenek² dan mak aku boleh survive and manage.. I also can... I can.. I can.. (pala otak thinking positively.. cehhh walhal ngah takut gak.. skali mati camner kan... kan..Pergghh..hehehee..) gynae dtg... tanya nurse "How's my patient?..". Nurse replied, "she's coping well.. her contractions are consistent.. and she's not asking for epidural or sort.." "Very good.." jawab gynae.. aku pun tanya gynae aku soalan... "Doctor... When is the baby going to come out??" (wakakakaaa.... aku rasa doctor aku nak ketawa dia tahan je... hehehee).. he replied.. "Soon... sooon.." aku tanya lagi.."How ssoooonnn!!".. "maybe at 6pm as ur cervix is only 5cm.." aku pun ckp balik.. "aiiyoooohhh sooo looonnnggg aaahhhh..." (ngan muka krem.. wakakakakaaa).. gynae senyum and kuar..
But at 2:50pm aku dah tak tahan... aku mintak nurse pain killer jab... so she jab me.. then at 3:05pm.. kepala baby dah nampak kat situ tu tu tulah.. my other half tell me lah.. aku mana leh nengok ngan dah sakit gitu.. so nurse pun kebetulan dah masuk.. she called my gynae... dia ckp kat aku.. don't push ok.. don't push wait for your gynae.. aku dah rasa mcm dah tak tahan dah.. nak kuarkan baby dah.. sakitnya.. undescribable.. huummppphhh... so gynae dtg dia pakai scrub and whatsoever.. then dia ckp kat aku.. when u feel the contraction come.. u push ok!! my other half and a nurse hold me upwards and gynae and another nurse preparing nak kuarkan baby... so contraction dtg.. PUUUUSSHHHHHHHHH (smua teriak kat aku)... uuummppphhhhhhh... (aku teran ah tu..effect sikit ahhh.. kasi gempak kat korang..wakakakakaaa).. "don't stop pushing or else baby's head going back in.." PUUUUSSHHHHHH... uuuummmpppphhhhhhhh..... (at the same time my gynae gunting skit (incision) kat my "$&^%#@" so the baby's head blh kuar ahh leh rasa mcm pedih je gitu) PPPUUUUSSSHHHHH....uuummppphhhhhh... pelepuk kuar baby.. uuuuwwaaa uuwaaa.. (my baby cried).. exactly at 3:15pm.. wa rasa mcm satu punya lega aahhhh... like fuuyyoooo.. kuar dah.. then gynae pun kuarkan uri.. abih time dia ngah jahitkan incision aku tu kan.. aku leh lak tepon ofis britau yg aku dah bersalin.. diorg lak gi on speaker.. diorg tanya aku.. "where are you? in ward?".. aku jawab "My gynae is sewing me up..." gynae aku dengar dia ketawa.. dan dia pun ckp... yeah I'm sewing you up.. hahahaa.. (instead of stitching.. aku ckp sewing.. pala otak dah tak leh fikir appropriate word hahaha) kawan keje aku lak.. "Aiiyyooohhh.... still can call us.. not pain meehhh??..." dengan sorak derai ketawa diorg.. gitulah.. my 1st experience..
Ps:- kalau korang find it unsenonohness... don't grouse or whatsoever.... I'm just sharing my experience.
1 comment:
peh gua tkut la tgk perut mcm nk letup je kene jarum....
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