Thursday, January 22, 2009


Bila sesapa pm je tanya apa pekerjaan wa yang sebenarnya... wa adalah KERANI.. ye saya adalah seorang KERANI "PINGPATPETPOT" (translation : Import-Export).

My job scope... typing typing typing... calling calling calling... scolding scolding scolding... begging begging begging... send docs to the bank or buyers (also known as purchasers) for MONEY MONEY MONEY come!! Bila money come then leh pay to sellers.

hahahaaaa... best gitu kan. Tapi kan.. montot dah melebar.. huuuwaaaaaawawawaaaa tak naaakkk.. (Nak kene eksesais montot kecut kecutkan bagi kecik leh kan kan kan??) bab tu totot panggil wa LEBAH!! (bila totot nak banje aku makan gado-gado lagi ni.. :(( huhuhu)

Ok ok back to my work scope.. ekceli I have to do the documentation for buyers to process lateron at their country for necessary to bring in the cargo/commodity to their country. We sold cargoes to South East Asia and mostly bought it from various countries. I have to type the invoice as to get the money from our buyer rite.. so there are two type of mode of payment - CASH AGAINST DOCUMENTS (CAD) or LETTER OF CREDIT (L/C). If the buyer is unreliable (I mean kita tak kenal sangat tentang situasi/kondisi kewangan diorg kan) we tell them to issue Letter of Credit. Letter of Credit ni issued by the buyers bank. Kira buyers suruh bank bayar dulu klau documents are in order lah. Letter of Credit ni memacam benda tertera kat situ. It's just a piece of paper buuuutttttttttt I have to ensure that all docs comply with the LC terms. No typo error, no mistake and ensure " , " ke "!" (adehh tak leh lupa seh sorg kawan ckp "line then dot" wakakakaaa.. wa mcm errrrr.. at last tau gak apa kebenda..hahahaa.. EXCLAMATION beb..) mesti tertera gak kat docs. Klau hilang ke benda tu or typo error ke or mistake ke buyer can reject docs and refuse payment!! Abih klau diorg refuse payment aku kene bayar company?? tu sebab aku bersungguh buat kerja kalau kene ikut L/C ni. Alhamdulillah.. my docs negotiated clean... Buyers bayar dengan segera. Kalau Cash Against Docs pun klau boleh tak leh ada mistake lah tapi setakat typo error skit tu aku tutup je mata lantak hantar kat buyer.. dapat gak lah payment dari diorg tapiiiiiiiii aku fax dulu suruh diorg bayar baru hantar original docs to them.. COMPANY'S POLICY.

I cannot give you a sample of the L/C here becaauuusseeee RAHSIA COMPANY tak leh tetayang... kang nanti competitor tau brapa harga kita jual hahahahaaaa...

Oklah kalau korang masih tak paham.. tanya ERA (Gagakhitamgurl) cos kita buat same thing.. documentation.. hahahaaa


Anonymous said...

Rajin explain eh sis! Haha! Thanks for the info. :D buat susah-susah je menaip. :)

fazadilla said...

hye miss pingpatpetpot!!! bole kenal..muahahah

sis..export apa..nak tahu gakkk

Anonymous said...

omg!!! everythin' bout scope of werk.
nk wat i watpe jerk sis? come lekat kat dahi neh soklan.. haha

** sick wit all the L/C CAD..bla bla CIF, CIP, CFR erkk mcm2 ah :((

saat omar said...


Sweety Cutielady said...

pontek:- kata aritu tanya apa L/C kan dah explain tu..hehehe.. my pleasure lah sista.

B :- export agricultural products for animal feed and also human consumption..

pora :- oh yeah... the incoterms need to be inserted in the invoices..FOB, CFR, CIF, bla bla blu bluueekkkk.. heheheee

saat:- hmmm..

Sweety Cutielady said...

pontek:- kata aritu tanya apa L/C kan dah explain tu..hehehe.. my pleasure lah sista.

B :- export agricultural products for animal feed and also human consumption..

pora :- oh yeah... the incoterms need to be inserted in the invoices..FOB, CFR, CIF, bla bla blu bluueekkkk.. heheheee

saat:- hmmm..